Aime MC, Vila J, Moreau P-A. 2009. Crepidotus subfulviceps comb. nov. a stipitate Crepidotus from temperate North America and Europe. Mycotaxon 110:283–287. doi: 10.5248/110.283
Blomquist CL, McKemy JM, Aime MC, Osburn RW, Kinnee SA. 2009. First report of bamboo rust caused by Kweilingia divina on Bambusa domestica in Los Angeles County, California. Plant Disease 93:201. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-93-2-0201A
Henkel TW, Aime MC, Mehl HK. 2009. Craterellus excelsus sp. nov. from Guyana. Mycotaxon 107:201–208. doi: 10.5248/107.201
Matheny PB, Aime MC, Bougher N, Buyck B, Desjardin D, Horak E, Kropp B, Lodge DJ, Soytong K, Trappe JM, Hibbett DS. 2009. Out of the Paleotropics? Historical biogeography and diversification of the cosmopolitan ectomycorrhizal mushroom family Inocybaceae. Journal of Biogeography 36:577–592. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.02055.x
Ryvarden L, Aime MC, Baroni TJ. 2009. Studies in Neotropical polypores 26. A new species of Trametes and revisitation of an old. Synopsis Fungorum 26:27–32.
Singh R, Ferrin DM, Aime MC. 2009. First report of powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera xanthii on Sechium edule in the United States. Plant Disease 93:1348. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-93-12-1348A
Bidartondo MI, et al. 2008. Preserving accuracy in GenBank. Science 319:1616. doi: 10.1126/science.319.5870.1616a
Largent D, Aime MC, Henkel T, Baroni T. 2008. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana II: Inocephalus dragonosporus comb. nov. Mycotaxon 105:185–190.
Largent D, Henkel T, Aime MC, Baroni T. 2008. The Entolomataceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana I: four new species of Entoloma s. str. Mycologia 100: 132–140. doi: 10.3852/mycologia.100.1.132
Lodge DJ, Læssøe T, Aime MC, Henkel TW. 2008. Wet montane and cloud forest specialists among neotropical Xylaria species. North American Fungi 3:193–213. doi: 10.2509/naf2008.003.00713
Meinhardt, LW, Rincones J, Bailey BA, Aime, MC, Griffith GW, Pereira GAG. 2008. Moniliophthora perniciosa, the causal agent of witches’ broom disease of cacao: What’s new from this old foe? Molecular Plant Pathology 9:577–588. doi: 10.1111/j.1364-3703.2008.00496.x
Thomas SE, Crozier J, Aime MC, Evans HC, Holmes KA. 2008. Molecular characterisation of fungal endophytic morphospecies associated with the indigenous forest tree, Theobroma gileri in Ecuador. Mycological Research 112:852–860. doi: 10.1016/j.mycres.2008.01.008
Vega FE, Posada FJ, Aime MC, Pava-Ripoll M, Infante F, Rehner SA. 2008. Entomopathogenic fungal endophytes. Biological Control 46:72–82. doi: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2008.01.008
Vega FE, Posada F, Aime MC, Peterson SW, Rehner SA. 2008. Fungal endophytes in green coffee seeds. Mycosystema 27:75–84.
Ono Y, Aime MC. 2006. Recent advances in rust systematics. Mycoscience 47:111. doi: 10.1007/s10267-006-0288-6
Phillips-Mora W, Cawich J, Garnett W, Aime MC. 2006. First report of frosty pod rot (moniliasis disease) caused by Moniliophthora roreri on cacao in Belize. Plant Pathology 55:584.
Phillips-Mora W, Coutiño A, Ortiz CF, López AP, Hernández J, Aime MC. 2006. First report of Moniliophthora roreri causing frosty pod rot (moniliasis disease) of cocoa in Mexico. Plant Pathology 55:584. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2006.01418.x
Scholler M, Aime MC. 2006. On some rust fungi (Uredinales) collected in an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha woodland, Mauna Loa Road, Big Island, Hawaii. Mycoscience 47:159–165. doi: 10.1007/s10267-006-0286-8
Tunali B, Yildirim A, Aime MC, Hernández JR. 2006. First report of rust disease caused by Uromyces galegae on Galega officinalis in Turkey. Plant Disease 90:525. doi: 10.1094/PD-90-0525B
Aime MC, Ryvarden L, Henkel TW. 2007. Studies in Neotropical polypores 22: Additional new and rare species from Guyana. Synopsis Fungorum 23:15–31.
Aime MC, Rossman AY. 2007. First report of the rust Phragmidium violaceum in California. Plant Disease 91:1517. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-91-11-1517C
Deadman ML, Sa’di AA, Maqbali YA, Aime MC. 2007. First report of Puccinia triticina on wheat in Oman. Plant Disease 91:113. doi: 10.1094/PD-91-0113A
Deadman ML, Maqbali YA, Subhi AA, Yahyai RA, Sa’di AA, Aime MC. 2007. First report of rust caused by Tranzschelia discolor on peach in Oman. Plant Disease 91:638. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-91-5-0638B
Hibbett DS, Binder M, Bischoff JF, Blackwell M, Canon PF, Eriksson OE, Huhndorf S, James T, Kirk PM, Lücking R, Lumbsch HT, Lutzoni, F, Matheny PB, McLaughlin DJ, Powell MJ, Redhead S, Schoch CL, Spatafora JW, Stalpers JA, Vilgalys R, Aime MC, Aptroot A, Bauer R, Begerow D, Benny GL, Castlebury LA, Crous PW, Dai YC, Gams W, Geiser DM, Griffith GW, Gueidan C, Hawksworth DL, Hestmark G, Hosaka K, Humber RA, Hyde KD, Ironside JE, Kõljalg U, Kurtzman CP, Larsson KH, Lichtwardt R, Longcore J, Miadlikowska J, Miller A, Moncalvo JM, Mozley-Standridge S, Oberwinkler F, Parmasto E, Reeb V, Rogers JD, Roux C, Ryvarden L, Sampaio JP, Schuessler A, Sugiyama J, Thorn RG, Tibell L, Untereiner WA, Walker C, Wang Z, Weir A, Weiss M, White MM, Winka K, Yao, YJ, Zhang N. 2007. A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi. Mycological Research 111:509–547. doi: 10.1016/j.mycres.2007.03.004
Hughes KW, Petersen RH, Mata JL, Psurtseva NV, Kovalenko AE, Morozova OV, Lickey EB, Cifuentes Blanco J, Lewis DP, Nagasawa E, Halling RE, Takehashi S, Aime MC, Bau T, Henkel T. 2007. Megacollybia (Agaricales). Report of the Tottori Mycological Institute 45:1–57.
Phillips-Mora W, Aime MC, Wilkinson MJ. 2007. Biodiversity and biogeography of the cacao (Theobroma cacao) pathogen Moniliophthora roreri in tropical America. Plant Pathology 56:911–922. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2007.01646.x
Phillips-Mora W, Ortiz CF, Aime MC. 2007. Fifty years of frosty pod rot in Central America: Chronology of its spread and impact from Panama to Mexico. Proceedings of the 15th International Cocoa Research Conference, Vol. I. Pp. 1039–1047.
Posada, F, Aime MC, Peterson SW, Rehner SA, Vega FE. 2007. Inoculation of coffee plants with the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota: Hypocreales). Mycological Research 111:749–758. doi: 10.1016/j.mycres.2007.03.006
Aime MC. 2006. Toward resolving family-level relationships in rust fungi (Uredinales). Mycoscience 47:112–122. doi: 10.1007/s10267-006-0281-0
Aime MC. 2006. Systematics and molecular variability of bean rusts. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 49:45–46.
Aime MC, Matheny PB, Henk DA, Frieders EM, Nilsson RH, Piepenbring M, McLaughlin DJ, Szabo LJ, Begerow D, Sampaio JP, Bauer R, Weiss M, Oberwinkler F, Hibbett DS. 2006. An overview of the higher-level classification of Pucciniomycotina based on combined analyses of nuclear large and small subunit rDNA sequences. Mycologia 98:896–905. doi: 10.3852/mycologia.98.6.896
Aime MC, Miller OK. 2006. Proposal to conserve the name Chroogomphus against Brauniellula (Gomphidiaceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Taxon 55:228–229.
Bruckart WL, Eskandari FM, Becktell MC, Bean D, Littlefield J, Pilgeram AL, Sands DC, Aime MC. 2006. Puccinia acroptili on Russian knapweed in Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. Plant Disease 90:971. doi: 10.1094/PD-90-0971C
Chlebicki A, Aime MC. 2006. New distribution and host records for Puccinia atrofusca and other notable Puccinia species (Uredinales) from central Asia. Polish Botanical Journal 51:87–91.
Crozier J, Thomas SE, Aime MC, Evans HC, Holmes KA. 2006. Molecular characterization of endophytic morphospecies isolated from stems and pods of Theobroma cacao. Plant Pathology 55:783–791. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2006.01446.x
Deadman ML, Sa’di AMA, Maqbali YMA, Jahdhami SA, Patzelt A, Aime MC. 2006. First report of the rust Melampsora euphorbiae on Euphorbia heterophylla in Oman. Journal of Plant Pathology 88:121.
Deadman ML, Sa’di AMA, Maqbali YMA, Livingston S, Aime MC. 2006. First report of Puccinia sorghi on maize in Oman. Plant Disease 90:826. doi: 10.1094/PD-90-0826C
Farr DF, Aime MC, Rossman AY, Palm ME. 2006. Species of Colletotrichum on Agavaceae. Mycological Research 110:1395–1408. doi: 10.1016/j.mycres.2006.09.001
Henkel TW, Aime MC, Mehl H, Miller SL. 2006. Cantharellus pleurotoides, a new and unusual basidiomycete from Guyana. Mycological Research 110:1409–1412. doi: 10.1016/j.mycres.2006.09.010
Henkel TW, James TY, Miller SL, Aime MC, Miller OK. 2006. The mycorrhizal status of Pseudotulostoma volvata (Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Ascomycota). Mycorrhiza 16:241–244. doi: 10.1007/s00572-006-0040-2
Johnson ES, Aime MC, Crozier J, Flood J, Schnell J. 2006. A new morpho-type of Phytophthora palmivora on cacao in Central America. Pp. 31–39. In: Proceedings 5th INCOPED International Seminar, San Jose, Costa Rica October 15–17.
Kong H, Patterson CD, Mitchell RE, Buyer JS, Aime MC, Lydon J. 2006. A mutation in an exbD gene alters tagetitoxin production by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tagetis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 52:1027–1035. doi: 10.1139/W06-060
Matheny PB, Curtis JM, Hofstetter V, Aime MC, Moncalvo JM, Ge ZW, Yang ZL, Slot JC, Ammirati JF, Baroni TJ, Bougher NL, Hughes KW, Lodge DJ, Kerrigan RW, Seidl MT, Aanen DK, DeNitis M, Daniele GM, Desjardin DE, Kropp BR, Norvell LL, Parker A, Vellinga EC, Vilgalys R, Hibbett DS. 2006. Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview. Mycologia 98:982–995. doi: 10.3852/mycologia.98.6.982
Nieves-Rivera AM, Aime MC. 2006. Montagnea arenaria (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota), a new record for Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Sciences 42:244–246.
Ono Y, Aime MC. 2006. Recent advances in rust systematics. Mycoscience 47:111. doi: 10.1007/s10267-006-0288-6
Phillips-Mora W, Cawich J, Garnett W, Aime MC. 2006. First report of frosty pod rot (moniliasis disease) caused by Moniliophthora roreri on cacao in Belize. Plant Pathology 55:584.
Phillips-Mora W, Coutiño A, Ortiz CF, López AP, Hernández J, Aime MC. 2006. First report of Moniliophthora roreri causing frosty pod rot (moniliasis disease) of cocoa in Mexico. Plant Pathology 55:584. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2006.01418.x
Scholler M, Aime MC. 2006. On some rust fungi (Uredinales) collected in an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha woodland, Mauna Loa Road, Big Island, Hawaii. Mycoscience 47:159–165. doi: 10.1007/s10267-006-0286-8
Tunali B, Yildirim A, Aime MC, Hernández JR. 2006. First report of rust disease caused by Uromyces galegae on Galega officinalis in Turkey. Plant Disease 90:525. doi: 10.1094/PD-90-0525B
Aime MC, Phillips-Mora W. 2005. The causal agents of witches’ broom and frosty pod rot of cacao (chocolate, Theobroma cacao) form a new lineage of Marasmiaceae. Mycologia 97:1012–1022. doi: 10.3852/mycologia.97.5.1012
Aime MC, Vilgalys R, Miller OK. 2005. The Crepidotaceae (Basidiomycota, Agaricales): Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genera and revision of the family based on molecular evidence. American Journal of Botany 92:74–82. doi: 10.3732/ajb.92.1.74
Crozier J, Thomas SE, Aime MC, Evans H, Holmes KA. 2005. Molecular characterization of endophytic morpho-species isolated from cocoa (Theobroma cacao): a potential source of biocontrol agents? Pp. 145–153. In: Sorvari S, Toldi O (Eds). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Plant-Microbe Interactions: Endophytes and biocontrol agents. Saariselka, Lapland, Finland, 18–22nd April, 2005.
Deadman ML, Sadi AMA, Jahdhami SA, Aime MC. 2005. First report of rust caused by Puccinia carthami on safflower in Oman. Plant Disease 89:208. doi: 10.1094/PD-89-0208C
Henkel TW, Meszaros R, Aime MC, Kennedy A. 2005. New Clavulina species from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Mycological Progress 4:343–350. doi: 10.1007/s11557-006-0140-6
Hernández JR, Aime MC, Henkel TW. 2005. The rust fungi (Uredinales) of Guyana. Sydowia 57:189–222.
Kapooria RG, Aime MC. 2005. First report of the rust fungus Olivea scitula on Vitex doniana in Zambia. Plant Disease 89:431. doi: 10.1094/PD-89-0431B
Osterbauer N, Trippe A, French K, Butler T, Aime MC, McKemy J, Bruckart WL, Peerbolt T, Kaufman D. 2005. First report of Phragmidium violaceum infecting Himalaya and evergreen blackberries in North America. Plant Health Progress doi: 10.1094/PHP-2005-0923-01-BR.
Pastor-Corrales MA, Aime MC, Steadman J. 2005. Guiding the development of common bean cultivars with durable rust resistance based on the genetic diversities of the pathogen and its host. Pp. 1–10. In: Proceedings of the 2005 International Edible Legume Conference, Durban, South Africa, 17–21 April.
Ripková S, Aime MC, Lizoñ P. 2005. Crepidotus crocophyllus includes C. nephrodes. Mycotaxon 91:397–403.
Tunali B, Yildirim A, Aime MC, Hernández J, Berner D. 2005. First report of the rust fungus Coleosporium tussilaginis on Tussilago farfara in Turkey. Plant Disease 89:1131. doi: 10.1094/PD-89-1131C
Aime MC. 2004. Intercompatibility tests and phylogenetic analysis in the Crepidotus Sphaerula group complex: Concordance between ICGs and nuclear rDNA sequences highlight phenotypic plasticity within Appalachian species. Pp. 71–80. In: Cripps CL (Ed). Fungi in Forest Ecosystems: Systematics, Diversity, and Ecology. New York Botanical Gardens, NY.
Berner DK, Eskandari FM, Rossman AY, Aime MC, Kashefi J. 2004. First report of anthracnose of Crupina vulgaris caused by a Colletotrichum sp. in Greece. Plant Disease 88:1161. doi: 10.1094/PDIS.2004.88.10.1161B
Henkel TW, Aime MC, Chin M, Andrew C. 2004. Edible mushrooms from Guyana. The Mycologist 18:104–111.
doi: 10.1017/S0269915X04003027
Henkel TW, Roberts P, Aime MC. 2004. Sebacinoid species from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Mycotaxon 89:433–439.
Hernández J, Aime MC, Newbry B. 2004. Aecidium kalanchoe sp. nov., a new rust on Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Crassulaceae). Mycological Research 108:846–848. doi: 10.1017/S0953756204000681
Rossman AY, Aime MC, Farr DF, Castlebury LA, Peterson KR, Leahy R. 2004. The coelomycetous genera Chaetomella and Pilidium represent a newly discovered lineage of inoperculate discomycetes. Mycological Progress 3:275–290.
doi: 10.1007/s11557-006-0098-4
Aime MC, Henkel TW, Ryvarden L. 2003. Studies in neotropical polypores 15: new and interesting species from Guyana. Mycologia 95:614–619.
Matheny PB, Aime MC, Henkel TW. 2003. New species of Inocybe from Dicymbe forests of Guyana. Mycological Research 107:495–505. doi: 10.1017/S0953756203007627
Aime MC, Ball J. 2002. The mating system in two species of Crepidotus. Mycotaxon 81:191–194.
Aime MC, Baroni TJ, Miller OK. 2002. Crepidotus thermophilus comb. nov., a reassessment of Melanomphalia thermophila, a rarely collected tropical agaric. Mycologia 94:1059–1065.
Aime MC, Miller OK. 2002. Delayed germination of basidiospores in temperate species of Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude. Canadian Journal of Botany 80:280–287. doi: 10.1139/b02-009
Miller OK, Aime MC, Camacho F, Peintner U. 2002. Two new species of Gomphidius from the Western United States and Eastern Siberia. Mycologia 94:1044–1050.
Miller SL, Aime MC, Henkel TW. 2002. Russulaceae of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. I. New species of pleurotoid Lactarius. Mycologia 94:545–553.
Moncalvo JM. Vilgalys R, Redhead SA, Johnson JE, James TY, Aime MC, Hofstetter V, Verduin SJW, Larsson E, Baroni TJ, Thorn RG, Jacobsson S, Clémençon H, Miller OK. 2002. One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 23:357–400.
Miller OK, Aime MC. 2001. Systematics, Ecology, and World Distribution in the Genus Chroogomphus (Gomphidiaceae). Pp. 315–333. In: Misra JK, Horn BW (Eds). Trichomycetes and Other Fungal Groups: Robert W. Lichtwardt Commemoration Volume. Science Publishers, Inc. Enfield, NH, USA.
Henkel TW, Aime MC, Miller SL. 2000. Systematics of pleurotoid Russulaceae from Guyana and Japan, with notes on their ectomycorrhizal status. Mycologia 92:1119–1132. doi: 10.2307/3761479Bruckart WL, Thomas JL, Abbasi M, Aime MC, Frederick RD, Tancos MA. 2020. Uromyces rebeccae sp. nov., a newly described rust on the federally endangered plant, California sea-blite (Suaeda califonrinica). Mycologia: doi. 10.1080?00275514.2020.17.1739602